This series of short videos is aimed at empowering all of us to feel safe wherever we go. Topics include Child Safety, Online Safety, Self Care, and Survivor's Stories. Although senseless violence occurs all the time, let's work together to keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities safe.

Online Safety
The last thing anyone wants to think about is that their children could be vulnerable to violence and exploitation. However, we can all work together to protect all children. How can we keep our children safe at any age? Is it possible to create a safe world for our children? What should we do if we know of a child being harmed? Featuring interviews with Christy Dzikowicz – Director of the Child Safety and Family Advocacy Division, Canadian Centre for Child Protection; Rebecca Chartrand, advocate and educator; James Favel, Co-Founder, Bear Clan Patrol.​

Safety at School, Work, and Home
Professional predators lure children from their homes and communities with expert manipulation techniques. What are the dangers of online activities for kids, and how can we keep our children safe from online exploitation? What should we all know about online exploitation, and what should we share with our kids? Featuring interviews with Jennifer Richardson – child exploitation specialist and Governor General Award Winner Diane Redsky – Executive Director, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata.​

Child Safety
What are some of the risk-factors for Indigenous women, and how can women empower and protect themselves at school, work, and home? What can we do to stop the exploitation of women and girls? How can we work together to create safe spaces? Featuring interviews with Paul Lacerte –Co-Founder, Moose Hide Campaign; James Favel –Co-Founder, Bear Clan Patrol; Michelle Robinson – Activist; Governor General Award Winner Diane Redsky – Executive Director, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata; and Wab Kinew – Author, Politician.

Community Safety
We all deserve to live in safe communities. What factors increase vulnerability in a community? Why do men commit acts of violence against women and children, and how can men help build a healthy community? How can each of us help strengthen community? Featuring interviews with Eric Robinson –activist and former member of the Manitoba Legislature and Minister of the Crown; Raven Lacerte –Co-Founder of the Moose Hide Campaign; Paul Lacerte –Co-Founder of the Moose Hide Campaign; Lorimer Shenher, Author, Former Vancouver Police Officer.​​

Self Care
When a loved one goes missing, or is murdered, the devastation to loved ones is unthinkable. In this video, some family members bravely and generously share about their healing journey, and offer their insights into healing from their personal experiences. Featuring interviews with Gladys Simon's niece, Leona Simon; Kelly Morrisseau's daughter, Tanis Morrisseau; Kelly Morrisseau's cousin, Roxanne Morrisseau; Angela Meyer's brother, Byron Meyer.

Community Care
What inspires individuals to give everything they have to support the issues around MMIWG, and what can we do to help? How can connecting with our culture and community create a more caring environment? Featuring interviews with Édith Cloutier, Executive Director of the Val-d'Or Native Friendship Center; Tracy Bear, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Native Studies and the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies. Director, Indigenous Women’s Resilience Project; Mandee McDonald, Co-Founder Dene Nahjo; Sasha Doucette, Photographer.​

Care in Action
When the issues are serious, as in the case of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, the individuals who are working to create change are fuelled by passion. In these candid interviews, advocates share their provocative and inspiring insights. Featuring interviews with Sandra Delaronde, Co-Chair of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women’s Coalition Manitoba; Ivana Yellowback, Youth Worker and Advocate; Ian Campeau, former member of A Tribe Called Red and Anishinaabe Advocate; Leslie Spillett, Executive Director, Ka Ni Kanichihk.

Compassionate Care
When individuals are struggling, some may judge, while others show compassion and offer support. The issues surrounding the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls are diverse and multi-faceted. There are many individuals who believe that the ways to solve the problems in this country should be rooted in compassion and care. Featuring interviews with Dr. Lisa Monkman, Physician; Dr. Gabor Maté, Addiction Expert; Holly Moore, Journalist, Producer.

Survivor's Story - Massey Whiteknife
Massey Whiteknife is a successful business leader, and a celebrated and accomplished performer, Iceis Rain. As a child in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Massey was preyed upon, and an attack that he endured as a teenage boy nearly left him dead. Massey shares his story to inspire those in danger to watch for warning signs; and to remind families to stay connected to their loved ones to help them feel cherished and safe. Massey is a powerful advocate for the LGBTQ2s* community and shares his experiences to offer strength and hope for kids who are just like he was.​

Survivor's Story - Jennifer Flett
More than twenty years ago, 17-year-old Jennifer Lee Flett was walking home from an after-school program in Winnipeg, Manitoba, when a white car driven by a white man pulled up beside her and offered her a ride. Jennifer declined and kept walking. When the man persisted, Jennifer thought he would leave her alone if she just got in the car and let him drive her home – a short distance away. Instead, the man abducted Jennifer and kept her captive for an ordeal that lasted hours. Jennifer was able to escape using her wits, and wants to encourage others to trust their instincts, and not fall prey to victim’s guilt.

Survivor's Story - Jessica Desmond Solomon
As a child, Jessica grew up around gangs and drugs, and was used as collateral on many occasions. She was incarcerated at a young age, and there found a connection in a friend who told her about someone who could help her when she got out. Jessica connected with the man in Toronto, thus beginning an ordeal of being trafficked, and being subjected to violence that would last years. Now Jessica is a leading anti-trafficking advocate who shares her story to help others know they are not alone, and there is a way out. Jessica also educates the public on trafficking and is sparking conversation across the country.

Survivor's Story - Tia Pinace Littlechief
Tia was a young student in Regina, Saskatchewan when she took a taxi ride that would change her life. The driver abducted Tia, forced her to drink, and after assaulting her, gave her his card and told her he would pay her for pictures, and that he “does this all the time.” Tia was forced to face two more experiences of violence while the court case was in process for the first incident – including one in which Tia killed her attacker in self-defence. Tia courageously shares her harrowing story as a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever faced life-changing acts of violence with resilience.